
Zapier makes you happier by automating away the tedious, time-consuming tasks that eat up productivity.With Zapier, you can connect over 2,000 different apps to each other—all without having to touch a single line of code or an API.
Want to connect your lead generator to your email and marketing lists? Zapier can make that happen. Want a text every time your favourite blog publishes a new piece? Yup, Zapier will do that, too. With billions of possibilities, Zapier will help you find efficiencies and let you focus on the work that matters most.
Zapier for Teams
All of our top automation features, plus:
- Shared workspace: Easily collaborate on shared Zaps
- Unlimited users: Give your whole organization the power of automation
- Permissions: Control Zap editing and shared folder access
- Premier support: Get faster, prioritized responses
Zapier for Companies
All the great features of a Team plan, plus:
- Single sign-on (SSO): Ensure secure logins with SAML 2.0 identity and access management (IAM) providers
- Advanced admin permissions: Create grouped permissions for folders, connections, and apps
- User provisioning (SCIM): Automatically create, disable, and delete user accounts
- App restrictions: Manage the apps employees can connect to Zapier
VH3 Review
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